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As seen on TV

Write a script for a late-night infomercial — where the product is your blog. How do you market yourself? What qualities do you embody that other “products” don’t? What are the benefits of reading your blog?
Photographers, artists, poets: show us LATE.


Blog TV today presents ‘My Kaleidoscope’ a blog by writer sajeev Kumar Menon featuring a tapestry of poetry, views, opinions, science, technology, travel, sports and humour.

Would you like to look at life’s myriad images through a kaleidoscope? Then why wait – just click on subscribe and kickstart your journey.

The content here will interest you, engage your attention and benefit you.

My blog is :

1) An outlet for creativity:
A creative flow from the deep recesses of my mind. An outlet to express my emotions. An expression of love, a celebration of success, an inspiration on the joys of life and a search for the truth.

2) A source for inspiration:
I write to inspire people to live a life of value based on simplicity, truth and courage. To stop the mad rat-race and greed that is leading to our downfall. To seek to know the true purpose of our life.

3) A stand against injustice:
My blog helps me to take a stand against injustices prevailing in society like corruption, child labour, rape, terrorism, atrocities against women, racial distinctions etc. By writing we can take little steps to enlighten and educate people of the ills in our society.

4) Support for noble causes:
My blog helps me to mobilise people to work for noble causes like education for the poor, the fight against poverty, environmental causes, food and water for poor etc.

5) Recognising the oneness in us:
Writing opens our heart to the world. It recognises the oneness in all of us. And by sharing our joys, sorrows and successes we recognise and re-inforce the belief that a community effort is more successful than a lone voice that cannot be heard. It helps us to mobilise people towards a noble cause. We can write to inform, to educate, to share, to lift the spirits, to lighten the mood, to seek the truth, to inspire with poetry, stories, art, travel and photography.

Other interesting posts in this category:
1) http://angloswiss-chronicles.com/2013/10/23/daily-prompt-as-seen-on-tv/
2) http://icedcapppuccino.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/infomercial-mania/
3) http://charronschatter.com/2013/10/23/daily-prompt-as-seen-on-tv/
4) http://terry1954.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/daily-prompt-as-seen-on-tv/
5) http://starvingactivist.com/blog/2013/10/23/daily-prompt-but-wait-theres-more/
6) http://khanasweb.com/2013/10/23/as-seen-on-tv-hopefully-soon/
7) http://jullianiskool.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/daily-prompt-as-seen-on-tv/
8) http://littlegirlstory.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/daily-prompt-as-seen-on-tv-bedtime-stories/
9) http://imjustsupersaiyan.wordpress.com/2013/10/23/the-blog-infomercial/
10) http://emotionalfitnesstraining.com/2013/10/23/laugh-and-play-time-with-efit/

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